Areas of Research
& Special Interests:

Educational &
Academic Interests:
Research Projects in Glial Cell Physiology
- Several lines of research are underway to better understand the way in which the prominent retinal glial cells contribute to visual information processing.
- Work by Keirstead and Miller showed that retinal Muller cells respond to an external application of glutamate with an intracellular calcium wave.
- Recent experiments by Esguerra and Miller have shown that extracellular ATP can also initiate intracellular calcium waves.
- Click here to see a movie demonstrating intracellular calcium waves evoked by application of extracellular ATP.
- Postdoctoral associate, Manuel Esguerra, recently discovered that retinal glia cell membranes contain the ecto enzyme CD38.
- Click here to view a 3D confocal reconstruction of CD38 immunoreactivity on an isolated retinal Muller cell.