Areas of Research
& Special Interests:

Educational &
Academic Interests:
Research Projects in Glial Cell Physiology
Manuel Esguerra & Robert F. Miller
CD38 immunoreactivity in Retinal Glial Cells
- Acutely isolated tiger salamander Muller glial cells were stained using an antibody to the ecto enzyme CD38 to determine the cellular localization of this molecule.
- An example of the staining pattern observed from such immunohistochemical experiments are shown in the movie below.
- Left: Overlay image of DIC light microscopic view of tissue whose image is combined with the flouresence image of antibody staining showing restriction of CD38 to the Muller cell membrane.
- Right: To better convey the sense of the surface membrane staining of the CD38 antibody, a three-dimensional image was reconstructed from 24 adjacent confocal optical sections spaced 0.4 microns apart.
- On Macintosh or Windows platforms, you will need to have a Quicktime plugin installed in your web browser.
If you need the plugin, you can get it here.
- On the SGI platform you will need the movieplayer plugin
- We have not determined if the movie is viewable from the Solaris or Linux platforms.