Mark (when he was young and had hair!!)
Clearly happy about wearing a red cone shaped hat.

Jack on a typical workday

John blowing out his homemade candle

Some cut-throat ping pong competition complete with plastic petri-dish paddles

Celebrating the grant getting funded!

Still celebrating, this time over Japanese food

A little joke we pulled on Tim...

Congratulations, Aaron, for receiving the Trinod! We made him peanut buttah cookies.

Lab canoe outing down the St. Croix river. Eating our picnic lunches.

Watch your back Josh!!

Jack wondering which canoe to get into.

Mark and Josh on the river.

Group shot, Fall 2010. What a good lookin' bunch!

Here is another.

Spring 2011 Pictures...Only Tim got the jumping memo :)

We're zebrafish!
