Areas of Research
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Educational &
Academic Interests:
Estimating the number of functional synapses
impinging on retinal ganglion cells
Activity-dependent dyes were applied to superfused retina-eyecup preparations and, after wash out of the dye, the whole-mounted isolated retina was then viewed via confocal microscopy.
Activity-dependent staining was shown to occur in presynaptic terminals in the retina (see Miller et al 2001, J. Comp. Neurol.)
Ganglion cells were back labeled prior to administration of the activity-dependent dye and dual wavelength confocal microscope data were collected from the retinal whole-mount preparation.
We have constructed a movie showing a 3-D rotation of a back-labeled retinal ganglion cell dendrite and the activity-dependent dye stained synaptic terminals in the same volume of the inner plexiform layer.
To view the movie:
- On Macintosh or Windows platforms, you will need to have a Quicktime plugin installed in your web browser.
If you need the plugin, you can get it here.
- On the SGI platform you will need the movieplayer plugin
- We have not determined if the movie is viewable from the Solaris or Linux platforms.
- If you cannot view the file please click here to email a request for a download of the movie file.
- For a PDF file of the article itself, click here.
- Please note that this file is a large file (16.5 Megabytes). Downloads via modem are therefore, not recommended.